
What's New at South Carolina Oncology Associates

Man wearing prostate cancer ribbon.

Am I at High Risk for Prostate Cancer?

Am I at high risk for prostate cancer? This is a question many middle-aged men ask their urologists. You know it’s out there, and wonder if you are one of the unfortunate men who will get it.

woman getting a second opinion from an oncologist.

When Should I Get a Second Opinion for Cancer?

If you or someone you love was just diagnosed with cancer, or they are in the middle of treatment, what might make them decide to get a second opinion? Could it be due to the recommended treatments,

cancer ribbons.

Why Are Cancer Rates Increasing Among Adults Under 50?

Why are cancer rates increasing among adults under 50? Good question. Up until fairly recently the average age of a cancer diagnosis was 68. Now, doctors are noticing a substantial increase in cancer among adults under 50.

Doctor holding test tube.

Is a Clinical Trial Right for Me?

No doubt you have heard about clinical trials over the years. They help researchers and drug companies determine if a new treatment, therapy, or drug is more beneficial than the current one.

Man laying on bed suffering from insomnia.

How to Cope With Insomnia During Cancer Treatment

Coping with insomnia at any time is daunting, but when you have been diagnosed with cancer, it is even more important that you get the sleep you need. Let’s learn how to cope with insomnia during cancer treatment.